Strong growth in turnover, EBITDA and net profit. Significantly improved NFP

04 April 2022

The financial statements published last week show excellent results from all points of view, with significant growth in turnover, + 31%, EBITDA, + 38%, and reported and adjusted EBIT, + 44% and 51% respectively. If we consider pro-forma figures (which fully incorporate the results of the companies acquired last year), the growth in turnover and EBITDA is close to 60%. From a financial point of view, the performance was also very good, with a significant improvement in the Net Financial Position, which went from a net debt of EUR 1.4 million to a net credit of 3.1 .A good year is therefore coming to an end. And these first months of the new year confirm the positive trend: in fact, alongside an important market traction, several acquisition opportunities are materialising, both in Italy and abroad (Spain and Latam), which could significantly increase the size of the Group: a challenge not only of growth but also of complexity for which we have prepared well, also thanks to the entry of new executives with long experience and great expertise, who have strongly strengthened the management team.I will close this brief note by pointing out that so far the very sad event of the war affecting the Ukrainian people has had no impact on our activities and results!
